virtual data room
DEAL ROOM DATA IS virtual data room

Deal Room Data is a virtual data room service for brokers and M&A professionals. We provide a multi-level service for the independent broker up to the large firm.

With Deal Room Data, you will have the ability to create deal folders, manage documents, create users and assign them various levels of access.

By providing on-demand, around-the-clock access to information across an unlimited network of partners and prospects, you have the power to make deals happen in today's sophisticated business landscape.

Our virtual data rooms play a crucial role in sharing, protecting and tracking access to documents in a variety of mission critical business transactions and projects.

DRD was developed with value and simplicity in mind. This is a powerful tool at a very affordable price.

Click here to download the User Guide

virtual data room

Features Group Small Firm Large Firm Enterprise

GB Storage 3 5 10 20

Account Users 5 15 30 99

Prospect Users Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Price/Month $39.99 $99.99 $149.99 $249.99

Access your information anywhere you have an internet connection. Yes Yes Yes Yes

Instantly populate your deal room by uploading multiple documents from your desktop into the deal room. Yes Yes Yes Yes

Create unlimited folders for each Account User. Yes Yes Yes Yes

Invite an unlimited number of Prospects into your deal room. Yes Yes Yes Yes

Create user groups to secure and separate access to folders, sub folders, prospects, and individual documents. Yes Yes Yes Yes

Access a detailed audit report of all deal room activity. IP address is logged from which the activity occured. Yes Yes Yes Yes

Manage internal contacts & users as well as prospect profiles. Yes Yes Yes Yes

Full functionality for prospect email communications, account expirations, login notifications, deal room permissions, and notes section. Yes Yes Yes Yes

Send automatic email notifications when user access is granted or changed. Yes Yes Yes Yes

Custom branded user interface that includes your company logo in the header banner and personal picture support in user profile section viewable by all of your assigned prospects. Yes Yes Yes Yes

Auto alphabetical sorting for folders and documents for fast and easy reference. Yes Yes Yes Yes

Require electronic acceptance of confidentiality agreement or NDA before deal room access is granted. Yes Yes Yes Yes

Fully branded solution without the need for a difficult to remember sub URL address. Your users and prospects all simply login from the main site Upon login, your custom branded information appears. Yes Yes Yes Yes
virtual data room